
Vitamin C Serum- (Dark Spots Removal & Face Whitening)

Original price was: ₨ 2,099.Current price is: ₨ 1,799. with Free Home Delivery in Pakistan

  • Promotes collagen production, improving skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles.
  • Brightens the complexion, evening out skin tone and reducing the appearance of dark spots.
  • Protects the skin from environmental damage caused by free radicals and UV radiation.
  • Enhances skin hydration, leading to a more supple and youthful appearance.
  • Helps to fade acne scars and hyperpigmentation for a clearer complexion.
  • Reduces inflammation and redness, making it suitable for sensitive skin types.
  • Improves the effectiveness of sunscreen, providing additional protection against sun damage.
  • Boosts the skin’s natural regeneration process, leading to faster healing of wounds and blemishes.

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Introducing Gluta White Vitamin C Serum, a skincare essential poised to revolutionize your beauty regimen. Crafted with a potent blend of Vitamin C and other nourishing ingredients, this serum stands as a beacon of radiance, effectively brightening and rejuvenating the skin. Its proven efficacy in combating dark spots, promoting collagen production, and shielding against environmental aggressors has garnered widespread acclaim in the Pakistani skincare market.

Power Of Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C stands as a cornerstone in skincare, revered for its multitude of benefits and its pivotal role in maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin. Firstly, it serves as a potent antioxidant, effectively combating free radicals generated by environmental stressors like pollution and UV radiation. 

This protective function helps to prevent premature aging by minimizing oxidative damage to the skin cells. Additionally, Vitamin C is renowned for its ability to stimulate collagen synthesis, a crucial protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. 

  • By promoting collagen production, Vitamin C aids in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in smoother, more resilient skin over time. Furthermore, Vitamin C boasts skin-brightening properties, effectively targeting and reducing the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone.

Gluta White Serum capitalizes on these inherent benefits of Vitamin C by incorporating a high concentration of this powerhouse ingredient into its formula. By doing so, it ensures maximum efficacy in addressing various skincare concerns. The serum’s advanced formulation not only delivers a potent dose of Vitamin C but also combines it with other skin-nourishing agents like glutathione, further enhancing its brightening and rejuvenating effects. 

  • This synergistic blend works harmoniously to restore radiance, promote even-toned complexion, and unveil a revitalized skin texture. Moreover, Gluta White Serum is meticulously crafted to ensure optimal absorption, allowing the Vitamin C to penetrate deeply into the skin layers for enhanced results. With regular use, Gluta White Serum empowers individuals to achieve a luminous, youthful glow, making it a quintessential addition to any skincare routine.


Pakistani skin faces unique challenges due to factors like intense sun exposure and environmental pollution, leading to concerns such as pigmentation, uneven skin tone, and premature aging. Gluta White Vitamin C Serum is uniquely formulated to address these specific skincare concerns effectively.

  • Pigmentation and Sun Damage: Sun exposure is a major contributor to pigmentation issues in Pakistani skin. Gluta White Serum contains a high concentration of Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant known for its ability to reduce hyperpigmentation and dark spots caused by UV rays. By inhibiting melanin production and promoting skin cell turnover, the serum helps fade existing pigmentation while preventing further sun damage.
  • Pollution Protection: Environmental pollution can accelerate skin aging and exacerbate pigmentation issues. The antioxidant properties of Vitamin C in Gluta White Serum help neutralize free radicals generated by pollution, minimizing oxidative stress on the skin and preserving its youthful appearance. Additionally, the serum forms a protective barrier, shielding the skin from harmful pollutants and environmental aggressors.
  • Suitable for Sensitive Skin: Pakistani demographics often include individuals with sensitive skin prone to irritation and inflammation. Gluta White Serum is dermatologist-tested and formulated with gentle, skin-nourishing ingredients, making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. Free from harsh chemicals and irritants, the serum soothes and calms the skin while delivering powerful antioxidant benefits.
  • Even Skin Tone and Radiance: Beyond addressing specific concerns, Gluta White Serum promotes overall skin health and radiance. Its unique formulation, enriched with glutathione and other skin-nourishing agents, helps even out skin tone, improve texture, and enhance luminosity. With regular use, users can achieve a brighter, more youthful complexion, restoring confidence and vitality to their skin.

Vitamin C Serum in Pakistan

Key Features of Gluta White Vitamin C Serum

  • Unique Formulation: Gluta White Serum boasts a distinctive formulation carefully crafted to deliver unparalleled skincare benefits. Its advanced formula combines the power of Vitamin C with synergistic ingredients to effectively address a myriad of skincare concerns.
  • High Concentration of Vitamin C: At the heart of Gluta White Serum lies a potent concentration of Vitamin C, ensuring maximum potency and efficacy. This high concentration allows for optimal absorption into the skin, delivering transformative results with each application.
  • Glutathione and Skin-Nourishing Agents: In addition to Vitamin C, Gluta White Serum harnesses the benefits of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant known for its skin-brightening properties. This combination works synergistically to combat dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone, resulting in a visibly brighter complexion. Furthermore, the serum is enriched with other skin-nourishing agents, such as hyaluronic acid and botanical extracts, which hydrate, nourish, and rejuvenate the skin, leaving it feeling soft, supple, and revitalized.
  • Advanced Absorption Technology: Gluta White Serum is formulated with advanced absorption technology, ensuring that the potent ingredients penetrate deeply into the skin’s layers for enhanced efficacy. This allows for targeted delivery of key nutrients, promoting long-lasting results and a radiant, youthful glow.
  • Dermatologist-Tested and Trusted: Each batch of Gluta White Serum undergoes rigorous testing and quality control measures to ensure safety and efficacy. Dermatologist-tested and trusted, this serum is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin, making it a versatile and reliable choice for anyone seeking to achieve healthy, luminous skin.
  • Visible Results: With consistent use, Gluta White Vitamin C Serum delivers visible results, including improved skin texture, reduced dark spots, enhanced brightness, and a more youthful appearance. Its potent formulation and proven efficacy make it a must-have addition to any skincare routine, empowering individuals to achieve their skincare goals with confidence.

How to Use Gluta White Vitamin C Serum:

  1. Cleanse Your Skin: Start by cleansing your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup residue. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel.
  2. Apply a Toner (Optional): If you use a toner as part of your skincare routine, apply it to your face and neck after cleansing. This helps to balance the skin’s pH levels and prepares it for better absorption of the serum.
  3. Dispense the Serum: Gently shake the Gluta White Vitamin C Serum bottle to ensure the ingredients are well-mixed. Dispense a pea-sized amount of serum onto your fingertips.
  4. Apply to Your Face and Neck: Using your fingertips, gently massage the serum onto your face and neck in upward circular motions. Focus on areas prone to pigmentation, dark spots, or uneven skin tone. Avoid the eye area.
  5. Allow Absorption: Allow the serum to fully absorb into your skin before applying any other skincare products or makeup. This usually takes a few minutes.
  6. Follow with Moisturizer and Sunscreen: Once the serum has been absorbed, follow up with your regular moisturizer to lock in hydration. If using the serum in the morning, be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin from sun damage.
  7. Use Daily: For best results, incorporate Gluta White Serum into your daily skincare routine. Apply it twice daily, in the morning and evening, to clean, dry skin.
  8. Store Properly: Store the serum in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its potency and effectiveness.


  1. Consistency is Key: For optimal results, use Gluta White Vitamin C Serum twice a day for a minimum of 30 days. Continued use over this period is crucial to observe noticeable improvements in your skin’s texture and tone.
  2. Proper Storage: Store the vitamin C serum in a cool, dark place to preserve its potency. Exposure to sunlight and air can compromise the effectiveness of the serum, so ensure it is stored away from direct sunlight and in a tightly sealed container.
  3. Shelf Life Awareness: Once opened, vitamin C serums have a limited shelf life. It’s advisable to use the serum within a few months of opening to maintain its efficacy and prevent any potential degradation of its active ingredients.
  4. Sunlight Sensitivity: Vitamin C serum is sensitive to sunlight, which can degrade its potency. Avoid placing the serum in direct sunlight or leaving it exposed to prolonged light exposure to ensure its effectiveness remains intact.
  5. Avoid Eye Area: Refrain from applying the serum to the delicate skin around the eyes or directly on the eyelids. The eye area is sensitive and can react adversely to the active ingredients in the serum, potentially causing irritation or discomfort.
  6. Seek Medical Advice for Adverse Reactions: If you experience any adverse reactions such as severe irritation, redness, or allergic reactions after applying the serum, discontinue use immediately and consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional for further guidance. Your skin’s health and comfort are paramount, and it’s essential to address any concerns promptly and appropriately.


Gluta White Vitamin C Serum offers a multitude of benefits tailored specifically for Pakistani consumers. From combating pigmentation caused by sun exposure to protecting against environmental pollutants, this serum stands as a reliable solution for achieving radiant, youthful skin. By incorporating high concentrations of Vitamin C and other nourishing ingredients, Gluta White Serum effectively brightens, rejuvenates, and revitalizes the complexion, addressing various skincare concerns with remarkable results. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your skincare routine and unlock the full potential of your skin. Take the first step towards radiant beauty today by purchasing Gluta White Vitamin C Serum in Pakistan and embracing a newfound confidence in your skincare regimen.


What makes Gluta White Vitamin C Serum unique?

Gluta White Serum stands out due to its potent formulation containing high concentrations of Vitamin C and other skin-nourishing ingredients. This unique blend effectively targets various skincare concerns, including pigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone, resulting in a brighter, more radiant complexion.

How often should I use Gluta White Serum?

For optimal results, it is recommended to use Gluta White Vitamin C Serum twice daily, in the morning and evening. Consistent use over a minimum of 30 days is advised to observe noticeable improvements in skin texture and tone.

Can I store Gluta White Serum in any location?

To preserve the potency of the serum, it is best stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to air and sunlight can compromise the effectiveness of the active ingredients, so it’s essential to store the serum properly.

Is Gluta White Serum suitable for sensitive skin?

Yes, Gluta White Vitamin C Serum is suitable for various skin types, including sensitive skin. However, if you have highly sensitive skin, it’s recommended to perform a patch test before applying the serum to larger areas of your face to ensure compatibility.

How long does a bottle of Gluta White Serum last?

Once opened, it’s advisable to use Gluta White Serum within a few months to maintain its efficacy and prevent any potential degradation of its active ingredients. Following proper storage guidelines can help extend the shelf life of the serum.

Can I apply Gluta White Serum around the eye area?

No, it’s advisable to avoid applying Gluta White Serum directly to the delicate skin around the eyes or eyelids. The eye area is sensitive and may react adversely to the active ingredients in the serum.


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