
Gluta White Tablets + Gluta C + Brightening Serum

Original price was: ₨ 5,699.Current price is: ₨ 5,399. with Free Home Delivery in Pakistan

  • Gluta White Tablets:
    • Promotes skin whitening.
    • Supports detoxification for a healthier complexion.
    • Helps in combating signs of aging.
    • Enhances overall skin radiance.
  • Vitamin C Tablets:
    • Boosts collagen production for firmer skin.
    • Provides antioxidant protection against free radicals.
    • Helps in achieving a brighter and more even skin tone.
    • Supports the effectiveness of other skincare products.
  • Gluta White Serum:
    • Brightens the skin for a luminous complexion.
    • Evens out skin tone by reducing dark spots.
    • Nourishes and hydrates the skin.
    • Works synergistically with other skincare products for enhanced results.

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Introducing exclusive Gluta White Bundle Deal – your ultimate skincare solution for achieving radiant, flawless skin. This bundle is meticulously curated to deliver a comprehensive skincare regimen that targets various skin concerns effectively. Included in this bundle are three powerhouse products: Gluta White Tablets, Vitamin C Tablets, and Gluta White Serum. Each product is specially formulated to address specific skincare needs, ranging from skin whitening and brightening to combating dark spots and promoting overall skin health. 

Gluta White Tablets

Gluta White Tablets are an advanced skincare supplement meticulously formulated to address various skin concerns effectively. Each tablet contains a potent blend of ingredients aimed at promoting skin whitening, detoxification, and anti-aging benefits.


  • Skin Whitening: Packed with powerful ingredients like glutathione and vitamin C, Gluta White Tablets inhibit melanin production, leading to a brighter and more even skin tone.
  • Detoxification: The tablets work to eliminate toxins and impurities from the skin, promoting a healthier complexion from within and reducing the appearance of blemishes and imperfections.
  • Anti-aging: Gluta White Tablets combat signs of aging by reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, resulting in a more youthful and vibrant complexion.

Combination Benefits with Gluta White Serum:

  • When combined with Gluta White Serum, the skin brightening effects of Gluta White Tablets are amplified significantly.
  • The synergistic action of these two products enhances melanin inhibition and promotes cellular turnover, resulting in visibly brighter and more luminous skin.
  • Together, they form a powerful duo that delivers unparalleled results in skin whitening and rejuvenation.

Gluta white tablets price

How to Use Gluta White Tablets

  • To maximize the benefits of Gluta White Tablets, it’s recommended to take 2 tablets daily. Simply swallow the tablets with water, preferably with a meal for optimal absorption. 
  • Consistency is key when incorporating Gluta White Tablets into your daily routine, so be sure to take them regularly to achieve the desired results. 

Vitamin C Tablets

Vitamin C Tablets, a key component of comprehensive skincare regimen. These tablets are expertly crafted to harness the immense benefits of Vitamin C for your skin’s health and vitality.

Vitamin C Tablets are a vital addition to your skincare routine, designed to provide your skin with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive.

Importance of Vitamin C in Skincare:

  • Collagen Production: Vitamin C plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis, a protein essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. By promoting collagen production, Vitamin C helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, keeping your skin looking youthful and radiant.
  • Skin Brightening: Vitamin C possesses potent antioxidant properties that help to combat free radicals and environmental damage, resulting in a brighter and more luminous complexion. Regular use of Vitamin C can fade dark spots, even out skin tone, and impart a natural radiance to your skin.

Gluta white Capsules

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Gluta White Serum:

  • Vitamin C synergizes with Gluta White Serum to amplify its skin brightening effects. The combination of these two powerhouse ingredients works to enhance melanin inhibition and promote a more uniform skin tone.
  • By incorporating Vitamin C Tablets into your skincare routine alongside Gluta White Serum, you can achieve optimal results in skin whitening and rejuvenation. The combined action of Vitamin C and glutathione delivers unparalleled brightness and clarity to your complexion.

How to Use Gluta C Tablets?

  • To effectively use Vitamin C tablets, it is typically recommended to take one tablet daily. It’s best to consume the tablet with water and preferably with a meal to aid in absorption. 
  • Consistency in taking the Vitamin C tablets daily is important to reap the full benefits. 

Gluta White Serum

Gluta White Serum is a potent formula designed to target multiple skin concerns, including skin brightening, evening out skin tone, and reducing the appearance of dark spots.

Key Features:

  • Skin Brightening: Infused with powerful ingredients such as glutathione and vitamin C, Gluta White Serum effectively brightens the skin, leaving it with a radiant and luminous glow.
  • Evening Out Skin Tone: The serum works to even out skin tone by reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation and discoloration, resulting in a more uniform complexion.
  • Reducing Dark Spots: Formulated with active ingredients known for their skin lightening properties, Gluta White Serum targets and diminishes dark spots, giving you a clearer and more flawless complexion.

Gluta White Serum

Popularity and Positive Reviews in Pakistan:

  • Gluta White Serum has gained immense popularity among skincare enthusiasts in Pakistan due to its remarkable effectiveness and visible results.
  • Customers across Pakistan have raved about the serum’s ability to brighten their skin, even out their skin tone, and fade stubborn dark spots.
  • With numerous positive reviews praising its efficacy, Gluta White Serum has become a trusted choice for individuals seeking radiant and luminous skin.

How to Use Gluta White Serum?

To use Gluta White Serum effectively, follow these simple steps:

  1. Cleanse: Start with a freshly cleansed face to remove any dirt, oil, or impurities.
  2. Tone (Optional): If you typically use a toner in your skincare routine, apply it after cleansing and before applying the serum.
  3. Dispense: Gently shake the bottle of Gluta White Serum to ensure the formula is well-mixed. Then, dispense a small amount of serum onto your fingertips.
  4. Apply: Using gentle, upward strokes, apply the serum evenly onto your face and neck. Avoid the delicate eye area.
  5. Massage: Use your fingertips to gently massage the serum into your skin in circular motions until it is fully absorbed.
  6. Follow Up: Allow the serum to fully absorb into your skin before applying any additional skincare products, such as moisturizer or sunscreen.
  7. Frequency: For best results, use Gluta White Serum twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, as part of your regular skincare routine.

Bundle Deal Benefits

Unlock the ultimate skincare experience with an exclusive bundle deal, carefully curated to deliver exceptional results while offering unbeatable value.

  • Cost-effectiveness: When compared to buying products individually, bundle deal offer significant cost savings. Enjoy the benefits of premium skincare at a fraction of the cost, making it an economical choice for individuals looking to achieve radiant, flawless skin without breaking the bank.
  • Special Discounts and Offers: As a token of appreciation for choosing bundle deals, we’re pleased to offer exclusive discounts and special offers. Take advantage of limited-time promotions to maximize your savings and elevate your skincare routine to new heights.

Gluta White Serum Price in Pakistan

  • Comparison to Individual Purchase: When considering the cost of purchasing Gluta White Serum separately, our bundle deal showcases remarkable savings. By bundling Gluta White Serum with other essential skincare products like Gluta White Tablets and Vitamin C Tablets, we’re able to pass on significant discounts to our customers, making high-quality skincare more accessible than ever before.
  • Great Value for Effective Skincare: Reinforcing the notion that our bundle offers great value, we emphasize that customers in Pakistan can now achieve their skincare goals without compromising on quality or affordability. With our bundle deal, individuals can invest in a comprehensive skincare regimen that addresses multiple concerns, all while enjoying substantial savings.


By combining the power of Gluta White Tablets, Vitamin C Tablets, and Gluta White Serum, this bundle provides a comprehensive solution to address various skincare concerns, including skin whitening, detoxification, and anti-aging. With each product meticulously formulated to deliver maximum efficacy, you can trust that your skin is in good hands.

Now is the time to seize this opportunity and embark on a journey towards healthier, more luminous skin. Don’t let dullness or uneven skin tone hold you back from radiating confidence and beauty.


How often should I use the Gluta White Serum?

For optimal results, it’s recommended to use the Gluta White Serum twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, as part of your regular skincare routine.

Can I use the Gluta White Serum on sensitive skin?

While the Gluta White Serum is formulated to be gentle on most skin types, it’s always best to perform a patch test before using it on sensitive skin. If any irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult with a dermatologist.

How long will it take to see results with the Gluta White Serum?

Results may vary depending on individual skin types and concerns. However, many users notice visible improvements in their skin’s brightness and clarity within a few weeks of regular use.

Can I use the Gluta White Serum along with other skincare products?

Yes, the Gluta White Serum can be incorporated into your existing skincare routine. However, it’s important to apply the serum onto clean skin before layering other products to ensure maximum absorption and efficacy.

Is the Gluta White Serum safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?

It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using any skincare products, including the Gluta White Serum, during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Will the Gluta White Serum make my skin more sensitive to the sun?

Gluta White Serum contains ingredients that may increase skin sensitivity to the sun. It’s essential to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF during the day to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.


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